CCT-01 Cable Tester Self Diagnostic Check

CCT-01 Cable Tester has a built-in self diagnostic check procedure that allows you to verify that the Cable Tester is still in a good working condition before you start using the tester for checking and testing your production cable’s connection.

The CCT-01 Cable Tester consist of a total of 64 test point connection. It is important to check at the validity of these 64 connection points.

There will be times when you may want to do a diagnostic check on the Cable Tester. It is recommended that you do this diagnostic test once in a while. Depending on your frequency of usage, you may want to do a diagnostic test before checking your production cables especially after the CCT-01 cable tester is

  • accidentally knocked or drop hard on the floor.
  • was handled in a rough manner.
  • not in use for a very long time.

A quick test on the CCT-01 Cable Tester can gave you the assurance that the tester is still in working condition. You will be confident of your cable connectivity test result is valid.

The following procedure will guide you into doing your self diagnostic test on the CCT-01 Cable Tester.

A Quick Video Demonstration

Detailed Hardware Checking using Serial USB Terminal (Android App)

The software for the cable tester is free.

You can click here to check out this page for download and setup of the free software on your mobile smart phone or on a computer/laptop.

Self Diagnostic Check Procedure

This self-diagnostic check can be done in a standalone mode without needing any external computer or software. If you prefer a more guidance with more informative diagnostic result, you can proceed to setup the software on your computer and connect it with the cable tester. Click here to learn how your can setup the cable tester software for display purpose.

  1. Getting into the Self Diagnostic mode
    Press and hold the [Start TEST] button first, followed by pressing and holding the [Auto Start] button. Hold until you see all the 4 indicators lights up and switched off. You can then release your finger from both the buttons.
  1. Begin the diagnostic
    You will notice that the green indicator <Pwr> will be permanently lighted up instead of its usual blinking. This means that the tester has successfully boot into a special operating mode.

    The 4 indicators <Sound> <Auto Start> <PASS> <FAIL> should blinking continuously. This also means that the LED indicators are working.

    This means that you have successfully booted into the self diagnostic mode.
Enter into the Self Diagnostic Check mode
  1. Stage 1: Testing the touch buttons
    You will notice the 4 blinking LED indicators. You will get to touch and have the buttons tested here.

    For each button that you pressed, a corresponding LED indicator will stop its blinking. From this response, we will know that the touch button is working well. There should also be a beep sound. This means that the buzzer is working.

    [Button name] -> <Corresponding LED indicator>
    [Sound] -> <Sound>
    [Auto Start] -> <Auto Start>
    [Start TEST] -> <PASS>
    [Learn] -> <FAIL>

    Once all the 4 buttons are pressed and tested to be ok, you will hear a double beep from the buzzer with a quick blink from all the light indicator. This means that the test from this stage is completed successfully. You will then be guided into the 2nd stage.

    An option test can be done on the external interface port. The PASS and FAIL output will be switch on alternating. When the input TEST signal is trigger, both PASS and FAIL output will be permanently turned on.
Testing the 4 touch buttons
  1. Stage 2: Ensure all the ports are not connected
    At this stage, you may see that the 2 indicators <PASS> & <FAIL> blinking together.

    If you are seeing this two LED indicators blinking alternating instead, it means that you have passed the test for this stage 2. You can ignore the following stage no. 2 procedure and proceed directly to stage 3 testing.

    To pass the test for this stage is simple. Just ensure that the 64 ports on this tester is not connected. This is to ensure that there are no internal short circuiting of the ports.

    You can press the [Start TEST] button to display the current state of the port connectivity. It can help you see any short ports that is preventing you from proceeding to the next stage.

    Once you have your ports disconnected, you will be into the next stage no. 3.

    Note: Starting from this Stage 2 onward, you can exit the self diagnostic check procedure by pressing the [Learn] button.

  1. Stage 3: Testing each individual port connectivity
    At this stage, you will see that the 2 indicators <PASS> & <FAIL> blinking alternating.

    Your task at this stage is short a pair of ports at any one time. All the 64 ports (from A1…A8 to H8) has to be shorted. Every time a pair of pins is shorted, you will hear a short beep and a blink from the <Sound> indicator.

    Tips: You can use the 4pos connector plug to help you short and test the ports. Connect the first and last pins of this 4pos connector with a short piece of wire. You can use this plug to short through all the ports.

    You can press the [Start TEST] button to display a list which shows you which ports has already been tested, and which has not.

    Continue to finish up shorting all the ports. When all the ports are tested and are in working condition, the cable tester will do a 3 sets of beep and LED indicators flashing. This indicates that all the ports are working properly, and that the whole self-diagnostic checks are completed successfully.

    The cable tester will then proceed to reset back to the normal cable testing mode.
Simpler way to test all the 64 connection ports (1 port at a time)

Faster connection port testing

You can also do a fast test on each of the 64 connection points using a short 8 pos plug. When this plug is plugged in, you should hear a double beep and a blink from both the <Sound> and <Auto Start> indicators. This indicates that all the 8 connection port are properly detected.

If you only hear a beep, and a blink from the <Sound> indicator, it means that not all the 8 connection port is tested. You will need to push in the plug more in order to establish connection to all the 8 connection ports.

Faster way of testing all the 64 connection ports (8 ports at a time)

Exiting this Self Diagnostic Mode

At any time, you can exit from this diagnostic mode by pressing the [Learn] button. This can only be done after the 1st stage diagnostic test of the buttons/indicators.

Other Hardware Diagnostic Test

The other 2 non-critical hardware diagnostic tests are

  1. data communication with the computer
  2. settings memory

To test the data communication hardware, you can simply follow the instruction to setup the cable tester software. If you can see data coming from the software, the data communication functionality is in working condition. Click here to setup and start testing.

For memory test, you can set the sound settings to either off/on. Wait for about 10 seconds before powering it off. The device takes a couple of seconds to auto save your settings. Power back ON the device, and check if your settings is still the same. You can also use the learn and test button to check if the cable connection can be saved successfully.

To reset the CCT-01 Cable Tester back to the factory default settings, you can click here.

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